dax's items

Neomail tingtingwu tingtingwu's lookup

Items dax owns

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0. Intro

My neomails are always open :)
Main - never enough boxes D:
TT - 1 / 1 bfgbc
K - 2 / 1 bfgbc
C - 3 / 2 bfgbc
TO - 1 / 10 bfgbc

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1. For High Priority Wishes

Item trades only, numbers are my personal value. If they're different from Owls it's likely to due to ratios or just how much I personally like an it :P

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2. Slightly Attached

Most items are open to BFGBCs
77 - Prefer item:item trades

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3. 2:1 / 3:1 BFGBC - Sale

3:2 or 3:1 for BF GBC depending on the items, just try me!

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4. Free (just supply box)

You can have these if you supply the boxes. If you send a gbc and I get 4 boxes, you get 4 items.

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Items dax wants

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1. High Priority

Current customizations. Willing to look at my hidden closet for these items.

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2. If the Mood Strikes

Not in a hurry to get these, just when convenient (aka when I have lots of boxes).

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