neoinverse's items

Neomail neoinverse neoinverse's lookup

Items neoinverse owns

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** My NC Stuff **

My discord: Witcherdany(I'm on the r/Neopets server)
On Neopets: Neoinverse
It's best to reach me on discord, but I will always respond to all neomails within 24 hours too.
Always up for casual trades. Usually not looking for customs/gbc's though.
Mostly follow owls, with some regard for ratio as well. Maybe willing to adjust a little if trading for a high prio item of yours. :)

My closet is usually hidden, so everything you see is up for trade!
If you have an item on my priority wishlist, feel free to message me your wl, maybe I have some of it in my closet and am willing to trade it.

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004. Wigs & hats.

This list is empty.

005. Dresses & Capes

This list is empty.

006. Misc Clothing

This list is empty.

007. Makeup & Handheld

This list is empty.

008. Foregrounds & Background items.

This list is empty.

009. Backgrounds.

This list is empty.

010. Dyeworks.

This list is empty.

12. Misc

This list is empty.

15. Trades in progress.

Items that I have offered on other items or are otherwise in the process of being traded away.

This list is empty.

Items neoinverse wants

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1. High Priority

Every night, I dream of these items. I need them right now.

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2. Medium Priority.

I have plans for these, but I'm focusing on getting my higher priority items first.

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3. Low Priority

4. Neat Things

5. Too expensive to think about

I cry.

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