bekamarie's items

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Items bekamarie owns

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0. introduction

this is a disorganized mess rn please disregard and just view the items lol. work in progress, I'm organizing as I have time.

anything marked 99 is htpw/essentially something I value on the higher end, or would prefer item:item trades.

that said, everything listed IS for trade completely. i have a private closet list of my vhtpw items of varied values, which may be uft for some big wishes. feel free to send me your wl if you have a big wish of mine, i may have something i'd part with on a private list.

always seeking gbc/bfgbc ! may be interested in some rr caps as well. tentatively I'll take dsss/sss for some items even though I'm not really into pet styles; I can always use them to trade for other things.

i have a very long wishlist bc I really enjoy casual trading and like to have plenty of options available for people! also very few of my pets have permanent customs, so I'm always seeking new items to make new customs for the ones I change up. i value check everything on both sides before a trade to make sure they're fair, I use 2020 as well for ratios + I'll check itemdb for recent trade history!

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2. Clothing!

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effects + foregrounds

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handhelds / accessories / trinkets

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Items bekamarie wants

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3. Low priority WL

Not actively seeking but feel free to offer mostly things I like, or find pretty/would find a use for. basically would never be offended if I was offered one of these, would consider, but not items I'm seeking out on my own accord :)

this list is mostly here to make it easier on me to find things i'm potentially interested in if someone wants to trade.

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4.1 - items i would like duplicates of

items i have i'd really like to have extras of to use on multiple pets.

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5. Aisha Gallery Items

i feel insane for having so many lists, i'm just really into keeping things organized and separated.

list of NC items/wearables I'm seeking for my aisha gallery. i am definitely actively seeking these items; just maybe not as hard as I am seeking my wearable WLs. NM if you have any of this to part with tho, and we can figure out something(:

  • grim statuette fg is primarily here in case it ever gets rr. that value is insane, aha
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