Tokens I have UFT:
Grey Ixi x2
Darigan Ixi x1 Blue Xweetok x3 Faerie Shoyru x1 (Picky)Will take (D)SSS-packs or BFGBCs for them!
Sale for GBCs! Will do 4:1 for BFGBCs. I'll maybe take dyepots (1:1) or Upcycle/Archive Cookies (2:1) if I have the boxes to spare.
Saving up for my more expensive priority wishes! Usually for WL/item/token trades only. Based on a combo of ~OWLs values and DTI ratios. Numbers for value range! If there's no number means the value's still up in the air ^^;
Number for quantity!
Things that are somewhat more popular than my regular but not quite highlights. May include bonus items from caps or popular items RR'ed for dyeworks.
It ain't much but it's honest work
Prefer item trades for these and will browse TLs but I would take GBCs/Caps/Cookies for most of them, depending on my need, especially duplicates. (Currently Not Seeking!)
Numbers are for quantity!
New items from caps/the mall/events! Need to check values first.
19 - Bonus Item
Other numbers are quantity.
Somewhat expensive items that have been RR'ed. Waiting for values!
Some grams I own!
Lovely Valentine Sweetheart Gram x 1 Altador Cup Enthusiast Gram x 2 Bittersweet Chocolatier Sweetheart Gram x1 Night at the Fairgrounds Sweetheart Gram x1 Magical Valentine Sweetheart Gram x1
Darigan Bori x1 (Hoping for a swap!)
Royalboy Usul x1 (Can offer D/SSS) Royalgirl Usul x2 (Can offer D/SSS)
Maybe one day,,,one VERY far off day,,,
For some of the more urgent ones I have a few BFGBCs I can put in the trade for them.
19 - More Urgent
For the ultimate versions of my pet customs! c:
Can also offer full GBCs/Caps/Customs/Cookies for them.
99 - Most important
This list is empty.Usually optional items for my pet customs, or items for future customs (TNT add pet slots I'm begging). Open to trading if I can spare boxes!
19 - More important
Usually cheaper or easy to find wishes! Looking for in a sale. Not trading any highlights for them.
Always nice to have them at hand! Might decline a fair offer depending on priorities, but I can usually do customs/GBCs for it.
Waiting on a trade for them!