layces's items

Neomail layces layces's lookup

Items layces owns

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* NOTE *

i am just getting back to NC trading after years of not really playing neopets. at all, so although my TL remains up to date, the items on my wishlist (aside from the baby items) are outdated and should not be used as a means to figuring out what i'm actually looking for (because the truth of the matter is that i don't really know what i'm looking for anymore... i missed out on SO many things lol)

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** Non-Wearables UFT **

Limited Edition Gold Kyrii Keyquest Token
Vintage Valentines Sweetheart Gram

Holiday Shenanigifts Invitation 1-Pack
Limited Edition Gold Kyrii Key Quest Token
JubJub Power Bounce Token 10-Pack
Finneus Mystery Capsule (15)

Fiery Yooyu Pizza
Pretzel with Melted Cheese
Festive Berry Pie
Weewoo Sugar Negg
Zesty Cinnamon Roll
15th Unhappy Birthday Cake
13th Birthday Whimsical Cupcake
13th Birthday Diamond Cupcake

Holiday Ornament Wreath
Virtupets Map Screen
King Altadors Golden Noil Throne

Rainbow Ray Mechanical Negg
Spyder Mechanical Negg
Sound The Alarm Mechanical Negg
Silver NC Mall Second Birthday Goodie Bag
Red NC Mall Second Birthday Goodie Bag
Creepy Spyder Coffin Goodie Bag
Vandagyre Goodie Bag
Korbats in the Meowclops Goodie Bag
Holiday Goodie Bag
Festive Balloons Goodie Bag
Holly Tree Goodie Bag
Holiday Bells Goodie Bag
Ghost Melton Goodie Bag
Pikis Valentine Goodie Bag
Purple Festive Balloons Goodie Bag
Halloween Barbat Goodie Bag
NC Mall Sixth Birthday Goodie Bag
Spooky Skull Goodie Bag

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Some of these items are currently being used in my customizations. In other words, they're even more HTPW, but I would be willing to let go of them for the right offers, or if I offer them up first. If any of these items are also listed in my regular UFT section, that means I have MULTIPLES of that item, and the extras are for trade.

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Dyeworks Lending

Will lend these items for a small custom.

Section is set to PUBLIC

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Items UFT on main account

Current box count: 28
Current GBC count: 14
Current FQC count: 0
Current LRC count: 0
Current NC amount: 250

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Items UFT on side account (SDB)

Current box count: 2
Current GBC count: 5

I did not go through all of these items to organize... whatever was left over from me organizing my main account items & side account closet, I automatically moved to this section. That being said, some of these items may be HTPW or I may just not want to trade them because quite frankly I didn't realize I had them, and I realized how pretty they are or how easily I could use them in a future customization once I actually looked them up. Don't be offended if I say no to any of your trades.

Section is set to TRADING

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Items layces wants

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