infiniteloops's items

Neomail infiniteloops infiniteloops's lookup

Items infiniteloops owns

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Scroll to find each section!

1 - Highlights

2 - Trinkets, Foregrounds, and things not worn on pet.

3 - Clothing, Wings, Handhelds

4 - Wigs, Contacts, Makeup, Expressions

5 - Backgrounds

This list is empty.

2. Trinkets, Foreground, etc

Anything not worn on the pet

This list is empty.

3. Clothing, Wings, Handhelds

This list is empty.

4. Wigs, Contacts, Makeup, Expressions

This list is empty.

5. Backgrounds

This list is empty.

(Not in a list)

There aren't any items here.

Items infiniteloops wants

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Number indicated how desired 1 - mildly want 2 - normal want 3 - very much want

This list is empty.