sahar's items

Neomail the_pie_love the_pie_love's lookup

Items sahar owns

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0.) intro

not good at replying to mails :( if i dont reply within 24-36 hours feel free to re mail!! at the moment i am not really seeking any items other than what's on my WL; if you dont have any of those items i am happy to trade for cookies, customs etc.

all numbers are quantities, not values.

This list is empty.

1.) tokens

tokens uft:

This list is empty.

1a.) not uft for gbcs/custom

only seeking other items for these

This list is empty.

2.) regular tl - can trade for custom/gbcs

numbers are quantities, not values. open to gbcs/custom

please allow me a few days to reply to mails; if i dont reply i probably saw your mail way after you sent it and assumed you were no longer interested in trading/had found a different trade by then

This list is empty.

3.) sdb clearout (2:1 gbc/1:1 cap/1:1 archive cookie)

2:1 gbc or will trade at owls value for other items

This list is empty.

side account items

This list is empty.

Items sahar wants

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0.) wishes