tinyzuko's items

Neomail tinyzuko tinyzuko's lookup

Items tinyzuko owns

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1. Read Me

Updated: March 2025

The only account I will contact you from is tinyzuko

My sides are fickledawn, crazykitkatlove, and arilyairis. I have access to all of them and can neomail or post for verification if requested

Mails are welcome and I always respond to neomail. If I didn't respond I didn't get it. Please allow up to 24 hours for a response when mailing, as even though I am on daily I am not on every second of every day

Apologies if I reject a fair trade, like many I only have a limited amount of NC and can be picky with items I like!

Thank you for being understanding in these crazy times!

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1b. Highlights/HTPW

Nicer items or things I really like here (not necessarily just things of value)

Some I will be pickier with, most all I'm only looking to do item for item trades but you can always ask. My closet is hidden however so everything you can see is in fact up for trade.

I use ~Owls for values but some here may be outdated (first two numbers are value, third quantity)

Items marked 99 are harder to part with, with more 9s indicating more htpw

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2a. Regular Tradelist

I'll probably trade items on this list for GBCs/RR Caps/Mystery Caps/Cookies (FQ, Upcycle, and Archives)

Single number is quantity, otherwise Owls and Waka values are used (e.g. 23=2-3 value etc.). RR'd items' values may be outdated so feel free to haggle on those!

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3. Discounted

2:1 BFGBC/GBC or Archives cookie/RR cap if I have the boxes! 1:1 FQC or dyepot

Number is quantity

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Items tinyzuko wants

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1. High Priority Wishlist Customization

For ALL lists: 99= can offer GBCs/custom

66= pending trade

33= lower priority

Items I want for outfits I have planned!

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3. Medium Priority WL

I just think they're neat

Seeking some here more than others

21= seeking in a 2:1 sale

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4. Low Priority WL

Lowest priority. Not really in a rush to get at all but will consider offers. Will most likely not trade my highlights list for these.

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