Princess Zelda 22's items

Neomail princess_zelda_22 princess_zelda_22's lookup

Items Princess Zelda 22 owns

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Main DTI List (click here)

If you plan to mail, no need to ask where to send!
Please send to where you mail :)

Thank you very much ^^

If anything is where it is not supposed to be, please let me know and I shall re-arrange :)

Thank you for stopping by!

Anything left here by next Charity Corner will be donated!

This list is empty.

2:1 / 3:1 / 4:2 / 5:2 / 6:3

Would be looking for partial GBCs if more than 4 items being traded out from here
I am open to all offers, please do not hesitate ^__^

This list is empty.

NC Mall Buyables

2:1 / 3:1 / 4:2 / 5:2 / 6:3

This list is empty.

Items Princess Zelda 22 wants

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