CheliAnn's items

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Items CheliAnn owns

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~*Capsules for trade*~

  • Babies in space MC x2
  • Pumpkin Picking Retired MC x1
  • 25th Anniversary Aisha Black Friday GBC x14
  • Dyeworks Hue Brew Potion x1

Might trade for wanted items:

  • Deluxe Styling Studio Supplies
  • Styling Studio Prismatic Brush
  • Dreamy butterfly tea MC x1
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~*Sort of HTPW*~

This list contains items that I may be more picky about than others, but still willing to make a good trade. I likely will not accept GBC offers on this list, but make an offer and I may accept :).

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This list is empty.

You can look, but you can’t buy

These items are not up for trade unless I offer them. This is here for my reference only.

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Items CheliAnn wants

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