gismbug's items

Neomail imbrieanna imbrieanna's lookup

Items gismbug owns

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🎕⚸ dyeworks lending ⚸🎕

These items are lends meaning the original should be returned to me after using a dyepot on them! Please send back to imbrieanna, same account connected to my dti.

I'm not super picky when it comes to lends. I'll accept almost anything, including junk. Does not need to be on my lists.

This list is empty.

🎕⚸ nc uft ⚸🎕

currently pretty cleared out, this is all I have left.

I'm usually very active on neopets, but no longer buy neocash (meaning my DTI is rarely updated or visited.) Feel free to send me trades even if I haven't been on DTI!

This list is empty.

Items gismbug wants

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