gsyx93's items

Neomail gsyx93 gsyx93's lookup

Items gsyx93 owns

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00 Introduction

Update: As of 30/12/2024, I am on hiatus and may not be online daily.
Please have patience if you neomail any trade requests, I prefer offers of NC custom over item trades at the moment.
In addition, as of 28/11/2023, I am unable to offer any NC custom and/or GBCs.

I follow the values on ~Owls mostly but may value HTPW more, depending on difficulty to replace and ratios.
My list is small because I don't open many RR caps, so I don't have many spare items around to trade.

My non-wearable TL / WL can be found HERE
And feel free to check out my Gallery (NFT)

Hope you can find something you like in my trade list, happy trading!

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03 Regular

~1-2 items, UFT for BF/GBCs, customs, wishes and casual trades

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03A Buyables Sale!!

2:1 for GBC / 4:1 BFGBC / 1:1 for a Dyepot or small wish
Updated on: 06 / 12 / 2024.

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Items gsyx93 wants

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00 Non-wearable NC wishes

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02A Medium Priority - Dyeworks Gallery

Items needed to complete my Dyeworks Gallery, HTPW open for selected items
Hoping to find the less popular ~1-2 items in 2:1 GBC / 4:1 BFGBC sales

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02B Medium Priority - Others

02C Low Priority - Catch up game

Hoping to find the less popular ~1-2 items in 2:1 GBC / 4:1 BFGBC sales
Would prefer to trade from Highlights + Regular lists for items here

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03A [List set to public] - Spares

Not actively seeking, I do love these but my wishlist is already too large..

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03B [List set to public] - Bookmark

Not actively seeking, more like a bookmark because goodness knows how large my wishlist already is without all these casual stuff.

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