marzipanmeringue's items

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Items marzipanmeringue owns

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0. notes

hi there! i hope something good happens to you today c:

lists are currently broken out by account. anything you see listed is uft; my closet is private. i use OWLs and value check just about every item before i trade it.

i am more than happy to trade for caps, gbc, archive/upcycle cookies, dyepots, or custom (within reason).

grams & caps uft:
Night at the Fairgrounds Sweetheart Gram (6)
Bittersweet Chocolatier Sweetheart Gram (9)
Magical Valentine Sweetheart Gram (7)
Berry Cute Chocolate Sweetheart Gram (21)
Love Sucks Sweetheart Gram (5)
Cutie Pie Weewoo (Black Friday) Gift Box Mystery Capsule (20)
Gleaming Gothic Baby Mystery Capsule (5)
NC Pet Styles Companion Mystery Capsule (4)
Mythical Wherfy Winter Mystery Capsule (6)
Hot Goth Summer Mystery Capsule (10)

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items uft - hc

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items uft - mm

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items uft - pg

This list is empty.

Items marzipanmeringue wants

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