Most of my cute/uncommon/higher value stuff. Personal value indicated. Some of my values are high, some of them are low - I'm basing my "personal value" on how partial I am to an item, and how many plain ol' GBC I'd be willing to accept. Always willing to negotiate, especially if you're offering my WL! Don't be afraid to offer - I'm super easy going, and more than willing to work something out if I have something you need!
Custom/Cookies/GBC/RR Caps are welcome offers here!
This list is set to pubLic, not trading, and only because realistically everything has a price... I might be tempted to part with something here for an obnoxiously valued/HTF wish, or a major over-offer, but 98% of this stuff took blood, sweat, tears, despair, dumb luck, and also help from friends in several cases to obtain for my permanent customs, so please don't be mad if I value them at approximately 81050437518 caps and I do profusely apologize in advance for tormenting you with the visibility of my VVVVHTPW list c':
99 is in use, 999 is in use AND would be a major PITA to replace, so EXTRA reluctant to let those go. 2222 is a NP item - just for my reference
Happy to do 2:1 whatever you have on lots of this stuff as long as I have boxes - just ask!
May or may not be boxless!
Aways on the market for GBC, Archives/Upcycle cookies, RR/Mystery Capsules, Shenanigifts invites, etc. I probably won't say no to dye pots or FQC either! I'm pretty easy to work with - if I have something you need we'll work something out! I also have a hidden list of low priority wishes I'll accept as filler or consider for trades, it's just private because I'm focused on finishing my customs first - happy to open it up if you'd like to take a look!
All items marked 9 are for my preferred custom, unmarked items are alternates, but I'm still 100% invested in obtaining them.
For my funny pets x)
Items to be sent to Dixiebelles
Always willing to trade for this stuff!
Values are just for my reference so I know what goes where. 2 = Misfit (themisfitm) * 3 = Snick (campestral) * 4 = Mellie (crash531) * 5 = Spy (spyfox207)
Also dye pots heheh
Just NP stuff so I don't forget I need it!