rosewoodvale's items

Neomail lausifer lausifer's lookup

Items rosewoodvale owns

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00. Please Read!

My lists are grouped based on my personal value and may not align with /~owls. They are valued based on a combination of /~owls, ratios, and my personal attachment. Some of them may never trade, and I am okay with that :) I am open to discussion of values if trading for priorities or larger items.

Please note that in general, backgrounds will be a little harder to part with across my lists!

See my UFT retired capsules here:

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1 Cap

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2 Caps

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9+ Caps

Quantity = Value

At least one item from my 6+ cap wishlist must be included.

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z 2:1 or 3:1 for BFGBC

I have taken many breaks through the years and may be out of touch with current values. I am trusting you all to let me know if there is an item in here that is valued more than 2 or so. Also please do not neomail me about any of the items on this list. Unless I have a board up, I am not trading my 2:1 list, and all offers need to be made on the board itself. Thanks!

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Items rosewoodvale wants

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00. Please Read! (Wishlist Version)

My lists are grouped based on my personal value and may not align with /~owls. They are valued based on a combination of /~owls, ratios, and my personal desire for the item. I may never find a trade for some of these items, and I am okay with that :) I am open to discussion of values if trading for larger items.

I can offer full BFGBC for any of my wishlist items. Unless otherwise stated, I cannot offer D/SSS or any other kind of custom.

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01. 2:1

Hoping to find in a 2:1

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Dress to Impress
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