kemosabe's items

Neomail cavity_sam cavity_sam's lookup

Items kemosabe owns

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Please neomail me at cavity_sam if you're interested in trading.
I'm mostly interested in items on my WL but I'm also open to customs or spooky, Halloween, Autumn, Space, and nature related wearables and bgs. If you don't have a specific item to trade, just send me your tradelist and I'll check it out. :D
Not currently seeking GBC but might trade for Mystery Caps, Faerie Quest/Lab Ray/Training cookies!

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UFT 2:1

2:1 GBC
2:1 NC Archive cookie
2:1 NC mall custom (mystery caps, monthly collectible, etc.)
1:1 Fortune Cookie (Faerie Quest, Lab Ray, Training, Upcycle)
Or direct trade of one of my 2:1 list items for one of your 2:1 list items!

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Items kemosabe wants

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Items I'm looking for. Trading my UFT list for these.

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Seeking: Baby

Baby items I'm seeking. Trading my UFT list for these.

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2:1 Maybe?

I'm hoping to find these items in a 2:1 trade! If it's on this list it means I've seen it on a 2:1 list more than twice.

I can offer:
One of my 1-2 cap items for two of yours.
2:1 items for a GBC.
4:1 items for a BFGBC.

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Expensive Wishes

Stuff I want but will probably just wait for a rerelease.

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