dovedress's items

Neomail dovedress dovedress's lookup

Items dovedress owns

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0: Introduction


I'm European, so I'm mostly active between 12 AM and 11 PM NST.

I'm a little busy with real life, apologies if answers to neomails are slow...

Quantity 22 = trade pending

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1: Backgrounds

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2: Foregrounds

This list is empty.

4: Wigs and hats

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8: The hard to part withs

Items from my closet that I really, really like, but I'm also not really sure how to use at the moment...

I'm possibly open to trading these for the higher end of their OWLS value and/or for items from my Most Wanted List. :)

I'm not interested in trading these items for anything from my Maybe Wanted list, sorry.

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9: The sales section

Mostly buyables, will probably trade them for a Faerie Quest/Upcycle Cookie, or do 2:1, customs etc. - just make me an offer. :)

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This item sadly cannot be equipped! :(

But maybe someone would like it for their gallery?

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Items dovedress wants

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3: Maybe wanted

Things that I just think are neat...

If there's anything in this list that's worth more than 3 caps, it's probably because I haven't checked its value, and I'm unlikely to pay full price for it, sorry.

Also not interested in trading from my HTPW list for these, sorry!

This list is empty.
Dress to Impress
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