floral_deer's items

Neomail floral_deer floral_deer's lookup

Items floral_deer owns

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1. Info

~ I use the estimated owls for most items, and I take the dti ratios into account as well to help me figure out values. ~

~ I understand that others will personally value some items differently, and am open to negotiation a fair trade for both parties. ~

~ I'm fairly active on neopets and I will always respond to your trade inquiries. If I haven't responded in a day, I encourage you to send another message in case I missed it or the website has bugged out on one of us! ~

~ Anything marked 555 is currently involved in a trade, any other numbers are quantity. ~

~ Currently not offering customs at this time. ~

~ Thanks for looking at my list! :D ~

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3. Regular Tradelist

~ I can trade these items for BF/GBCs, Caps, or wishs. Numbers are the quantity I have of the item. ~

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4. Buyables Sale

~ 4:1 BFGBC ~
~ 2:1 GBC, Cap, or Shenanigifts Invite ~
~ 1:1 Dyeworks Potion, FQC, or Pink Paper Bag. ~
~ Numbers are the quantity I have of the item. ~

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5. UC Tokens

Tokens Up For Trade:

Nostalgic Baby Hissi

Nostalgic Robot Kyrii x3

Tokens I'm Seeking:

Celebratory Anniversary Aisha

Celebratory Anniversary Draik

Celebratory Anniversary Grundo

Eerie Ghost Techo

Nostalgic Darigan Kyrii

Nostalgic Mutant Xweetok

Spooky Halloween Flotsam

Spooky Halloween Grundo

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Items floral_deer wants

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1. High Priority Wishlist

~ Items that I am actively looking for right now. Can offer any of my Tradelists for these. ~

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3. Low Priority Wishes

~ Not actively looking for these, but I think they're pretty! ~

~ I'd be willing to trade for these from any list except my Highlights/HTPW list. Though I might be less likely to accept due to them being low priority. Also accepting these items as filler! ~

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4. Expensive Wishes

~ Some expensive wishes I want! I can offer all my tradelists and potentially Deluxe/Styling Studio Supplies, you can ask me to see if I have any up for trade! ~

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5. Friend Wishes :D

~ Items that I'm helping my friend get, can offer my normal tradelists! ~

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6. NP Wishes

~ These are np items that I have planned for customs but are currently hard to find. ~

~ If you're selling any of the items on this list, I would love to hear from you! ~

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