Trading for most wanted only.
Double-digit numbers are items on my side accounts.
Always interested in trading anything on this list for items on my Most Wanted.
I'll also consider items on my Future Pets list for these items.
Most of these I'm interested in top priority or high OWL items only but feel free to offer:
Lukewarm Left-Over Pizza
Candy Corn Cupcake
NC Mall Fifth Birthday Goodie Bag
Second NC Mall Fifth Birthday Goodie Bag
NC Mall Sixth Birthday Goodie Bag
Halloween Barbat Goodie Bag
Purple Festive Balloons Goodie Bag
Holiday Bells Goodie Bag
Bountiful Hearts Goodie Bag
Candy Vampire Goodie Bag
Jowlard Goodie Bag
Neopets 15th Birthday Celebration Goodie Bag
Vandagyre Goodie Bag
Polar Trousers Goodie Bag
8th Birthday Sparkler Cupcake
8th Birthday Tied with a Bow Cupcake
Flowery Valentine Goodie Bag
9th Birthday Candy Cupcake
9th Birthday Flower Cupcake
Free the Faeries Flinging Slingshot 1-Pack
NC Mall 17th Void Birthday Mystery Capsule
17th Cyberpunk Neon Birthday Cake
*Blossoming Witch Fall Mystery Capsule (x2)
Rainbow Watercolour Gift Box Mystery Capsule
Autumn Forest Gift Box Mystery Capsule
Training Fortune Cookie
Items on this list are on my side accounts. I'm happy to trade these for my Most Wanted Items but may have to send a GBC from my main, depending on the account.
Please ignore the double-digit numbers. I use them to track which item is on which of my accounts. =)
Always seeking these items.
Please send to:
111 = dlandwehrs4816
222 = rockstream
333 = the_wolf_mage
444 = mistgelert
555 = dlands
Items I definitely want for future outfits I have planned. I might trade from my #1 trade list for these (but most wanted items will always be my top priority.)
Items I definitely want for future outfits but won't be using right away. I will consider items on my trade lists (except the #1 list) for these items.
This list is empty.Future outfit idea items - won't get to these in a hurry but I might be interested in trading for these.
NP Items I'll be working on RSing or buying as I get more pets.