skelskel's items

Neomail k_lover_so_much k_lover_so_much's lookup

Items skelskel owns

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** Skelskel's Trade List **

Hi all! Welcome to my trade list.

I'm pretty causal with trading, for the most part I'm just looking for the stuff in my actively searching tab, but I'm open to all sorts of messages and causal trades.

I have non-wearables listed on my JN list here, including cookies (HTPW), and GBCs.

Valuing these at 1 SSS each or two for 1 DSSS
Nostalgic Baby Hissi
Nostalgic Faerie Xweetok
Nostalgic Faerie Eyrie

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NC Trade List

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t. Premium Collectables

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Items skelskel wants

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Actively Seeking

I'm also looking for Faerie Quest, Lab Ray Cookies, Training Cookies and DSSS

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Casually Seeking

I'm less likely to accept fair trade on these items as I'm not actively looking for them. I like these items, I just don't need them right now.

My hyperfixation for Neopets has waned a little - I'm still checking daily for Neomails but as I'm not actively playing right now I'm even less likely to accept trades.

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