coolegg1995's items

Neomail coolegg1995 coolegg1995's lookup

Items coolegg1995 owns

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i have a hidden closet and lots of hidden wishes, so feel free to share your tl/wl!

(bf)gbcs available for high priority + higher owl items

number listed = quantity ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧


nostalgic tokens uft:
adoring valentine kougra (for plushie baby kougra only)
anniversary cybunny, ixi
baby chomby
blue blumaroo, usul
faerie draik, kau, vandagyre, wocky
maraquan jubjub
plushie kougra, wocky
usukigirl usul

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uft ✶ backgrounds

This list is empty.

uft ✶ clothing + accessories

This list is empty.

uft ✶ foregrounds

This list is empty.

Items coolegg1995 wants

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casual wishes

not urgently seeking these, but may trade for them :~)

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