Ani's items

Neomail antonia22301 antonia22301's lookup

Items Ani owns

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00. foreword

Last Updated: Feb 2025

Un-wearables UFT:

numbers always refer to number of items I own, not value

This list is empty.

02. 2:1 tradelist

some items may be on sides without boxes! Neomail me if you are interested in 2:1, so I can check my box status

numbers indicate the amount i have

This list is empty.

03. 1-2 value

This list is empty.

15. Be My Boo Sweetheart Gram

Items Ani wants

show hide

o0. dream list

o1. actively seeking (highest priority)

o3. new & shiny

new items / new dyeworks i think are cute and would like to have in my closet before they disappear from the mall

This list is empty.

o5. filler + spares

filler for larger trades or items I would like spares of

This list is empty.

o6. casual wishes (lowest priority)

not actively seeking, but items i think are pretty

This list is empty.

o7. gallery: ixi meadows

nc items I want for my Ixi Gallery.

actively seeking

account: antonia22301

unwearable wl:
Spooky Halloween Ixi

This list is empty.

o9. gallery: magically delicious

hearts, stars, horseshoes, clovers, and blue moons. pots of gold and rainbows and a red balloon!

not actively seeking

account: animated_chaos

This list is empty.