leesa's items

Neomail xblackheart_x xblackheart_x's lookup

Items leesa owns

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00. Pending Trades

33 = Pending Trades

This list is empty.

02. Recent Items ❤️

07. Regular TL

This list is empty.

07. Regular TL Backgrounds

Ignore the quantity numbers, they are for my reference.

This list is empty.

Items leesa wants

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I'm always seeking NC custom 😊

9 = super wanted
88 = I'm interested in multiple!
33 = Pending trade

This list is empty.

Wishlist #1 - Priority

High priority. I can offer dsss/sss, highlights and some nc items marked “111“ or "99" for priority wishes.

This list is empty.

Wishlist #2 - Casually Seeking

Not offering items marked "111" for these items.

This list is empty.

Wishlist #3 - Low Priority (Filler)

Low priority. I may decline trading for these items, but I'm open to offers that include them.

This list is empty.