beemilesaway's items

Items beemilesaway owns

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** Welcome!

-Last Updated JAN 2023-
Some brief notes:
Neomails are closed

I am not super actively trading right now so please don't be offended if I pass on a trade offer. My closet & baby lists are usually private- If you can see them, it is because I am actively seeking a htf, high priority wish as these lists are off limits for most trades. All other lists are set to "public" (as opposed to trading).
I always try to be fair in my trades & am open to discussion/negotiation with my traders. I will not make a trade if I feel uncomfortable, unsure or taken advantage of & I wouldn't want my trader to feel any of those things when trading with me.
Thanks for reading x

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0.2 UFT

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Not UFT unless I have a spare or actively dislike it

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0.4 Buyables

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Items beemilesaway wants

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These wishes are likely HTF &/or highly valued. For this reason, they are of varying priority and so my htpw/closet items are not necessarily UFT for all of them. You are welcome to enquire about my items if you have any of these, just be aware that I might say no, thank you x

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