Feline's items

Neomail lilycat5053 lilycat5053's lookup

Items Feline owns

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A. Info

Hello! I am not looking for trades for anything but wishes right now, please do not mail me regarding trades for GBCs.

Numbers in B and C1 lists + wishlists are value reference for me.

Thank you!

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A1. Trading Tokens

I am also seeking a number of Nostalgic Pet Tokens. The list can be viewed here: https://www.neopets.com/~Asrasel

Tokens I have to swap: Grey Wocky, Robot Kyrii, Jelly Kougra

Also willing to trade other TL items for tokens!

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C1. Trading - HTPW

Hello! I am not looking for trades for GBCs at this time. I am only looking for my wishes. Please do not mail me otherwise!

Items here are not necessarily high value, just items I like more!

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C4. 1 GBC

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(Not in a list)

There aren't any items here.

Items Feline wants

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0. Current Character

Current Character Outfit Needed

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A. High Priority

Offering anything for these: Custom, GBCs, TL

Currently have 24 GBCs as of 3/19/2021

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C. Casual

Little less priority for these, but still would be interested in offers!

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D. Dreams

Maybe someday, if I can manage to find a trade!

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