androidturret's items

Neomail androidturret androidturret's lookup

Items androidturret owns

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1. a thing to note

boxes currently available Currently anything worth 1 GBC on owls I'm not attatched to is available as 2:1 for GBC or 4:1 for BFGBC. Feel free to ask

Sorry if I take some time to respond to trades. I work full time and may not always have the energy to trade some days. I will respond to all mails once I get the chance to!

I'm pretty flexible with values. I'd rather ensure a trade where we both get what we want without worrying about how much it's worth based on guides that may not always be update or even biased.

There are trades I will have to turn down sometimes. It happens and I'd rather try to rework a trade first so I don't feel like I'll regret it. This is more for myself so I speak up more.

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2:1/4:1 GBC

Will also gladly accept 1:1 cookies for these if it's Lab, Faerie or 2:1 for upcycle cookies

May not be accurate, check gallery for an item in the sale section

Mostly Accurate as of 2024-06-01

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Items androidturret wants

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0. Will offer closet for

Anything below this I won't offer my closet for unless it was part of a trade involving these items.

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