2025 Update: I have been trading on and off for years but since the re-release of original dyeworks items I have taken a big step back. If I am posting on the boards feel free to message, but if not it means that I am likely taking another break so you may not hear back for a while.
RIGHT NOW: Can offer GBCs: YES Can offer FQCs: YES Can offer Custom: NO Interested in Custom: YES
unwearables tl: items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/koalaharrislover/133084/
HTPW items, many of which I use often. These are not UFT for GBC unless I state otherwise in a board :) I'm mainly looking for my wishes for these items.
I also don't necessarily agree with ~waka or ~owls values for everything here, especially if there are very few uft on DTI
Everything here is 2:1 GBC or 1:1 Dyeworks Potion/cookie :)
everything in this list is up for trade for 1 GBC :)
The number indicated the amount of GBC I value the item at (based off of ~waka)
If you're interested in one or more of these items, nm me and we can try to figure out a value :)
This list is empty.these are items that I like, but don't necessarily need or have customs planned for! not all of them are "valuable" but for some reason I like them enough that I wanted to separate them out! generally not trading for gbc/rr caps
Baby items are HTPW so I am not currently looking for GBC for them (as of 11/29/22). This list is set to public, not trading :)
In this list, numbers = quantity
the values of these are often unclear, so I decided to just separate them! I'll generally follow ~waka unless I've seen different values, so feel free to message :)
In general, I value most of these at ~1-2
event items I've been too lazy to organize by value
I'll sort these later :)
most of these items are too new to have values, but I wanted to be able to keep track of them :)
Also priority... willing to trade almost anything for some of these or pay pure in GBCs
items I'm actively seeking for current, planned customizations. I use ~waka or ~owls for values :)
This list is empty.pretty low priority, but I wouldn't mind having them again!
most likely will do casual trades for these if I see you on the boards, might be interested in these as filler
a list of recent items I'm hunting for :) these may be from caps, FF, or the regular NC mall
probably lower priority but definitely feel free to offer, if they're on here I must want them!
willing to trade gbc for this list, and also interested in duplicates :) this is more for me when I'm scrolling through other people's lists, but feel free to offer!
either things I traded away that I eventually want to replace or things I'm not actively seeking but have my eye on :)