leafdapple101's items

Neomail leafdapple101 leafdapple101's lookup

Items leafdapple101 owns

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:: Trading Info ::

Currently Accepting
Wishes: Always
BF/GBCS: BFGBCs preferred (valued at 2), also accepting gbcs
Customs: D/SSS
Tokens: JellyNeo Wishlist

Please neomail offers! I'm usually on sporadically throughout the day every. single. day.

This list is empty.

Value: 1

1 gbc, item(s) of equal value, or see above for more accepted trade offers

numbers are quantities owned

This list is empty.

Value: 2

2 gbc, item(s) of equal value, or see above for more accepted trade offers

numbers are quantities owned

This list is empty.

Value: 6-8

6-8 gbc, item(s) of equal value, or see above for more accepted trade offers

numbers are quantities owned

This list is empty.

Value: 9+

9+ gbc, item(s) of equal value, or see above for more accepted trade offers; I /usually/ try to follow the ~owls lowest amount for these, I don't like to get greedy with the expensive stuff. will always trade for priorities, don't let numbers scare you off

numbers are quantities owned

This list is empty.

Items leafdapple101 wants

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