shiny new things, dyeworks or cap items. waiting on firm value decisions.
usually safe bets on values are in that 1-3 range, imo
limited edition items 3-5 typically, but not always
1 item(s) of equal value, 1 bfgbc for your choice of two, or see above for more accepted trade offers
numbers are quantities owned
2 gbc, item(s) of equal value, or see above for more accepted trade offers
numbers are quantities owned
3-5 gbc, item(s) of equal value, or see above for more accepted trade offers
numbers are quantities owned
6-8 gbc, item(s) of equal value, or see above for more accepted trade offers
numbers are quantities owned
9+ gbc, item(s) of equal value, or see above for more accepted trade offers; I /usually/ try to follow the ~owls lowest amount for these, I don't like to get greedy with the expensive stuff. will always trade for priorities, don't let numbers scare you off
numbers are quantities owned
currently need
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