sleepwalking's items

Neomail jaaaaaks jaaaaaks's lookup

Items sleepwalking owns

show hide

i. pull the covers to your chest; close your eyes.

welcome. i tend to stick to owls values, though i may stray higher depending on the item. 
feel free to inquire about trades and seek my wl if you see anything here you like 
that you perhaps do not have. 

 i am online a lot less frequently than before. 
if i have something you like, you can also dm me on discord 
my name is citronelle. 

 my side accounts are: jarkalarp, lilwonder_2003, and silent_keeper16234. 

not always seeking gbcs, please watch my title. 

i love archives and dyepots instead. 

 last updated: nov 2022 

my closet is set to private.
my extras are listed as trading. 
i get attached to my dyeworks easily.


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ii. rebirth, in colour.

dyeworks 2:1 gbc; 1:1 dyepot.

THIS LIST IS NOT FOR TRADE i will ignore any inquiries on trading these items thank you

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iii. held tight against my chest.

htpw, only for wishes. 
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v. a spectrum of colours, of which i can't discern.

 also htpw.

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xx. infinite potential.

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xxx. closet of dreams.

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Items sleepwalking wants

show hide

i. a muted reality.

 priority, set to trading

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ii. a fleeting thought.

 casually seeking and filler. 

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v. a drop in the stream.

 looking to add to closet, not necessarily priority.
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