prin69's items

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Items prin69 owns

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Always Good To Know

if i don't answer your neomail I'M SORRY the mind is willing but the flesh is weak. sometimes stuff happens irl and i just do not check in. that said i'm in a euro time zone so please give me time to wake up and log in.

you can pretty much always find me on the neopets subreddit! for trading look for me in the daily trading thread which is pinned to the top of the sub. you can also message me directly @NebulaMammal on reddit and i will get back to you.

or just join us there. we're friendly! we have memes! we want you to live in prosperity forever! [insert happy slorg emoji here]

if it isn't listed in one of my wish lists i am not looking for it. i do rotate cookies in and out so if they aren't listed anywhere i am not trading for them right now.

i do not have items in this list to trade i just think they are cute. sorry if they lured you here like a cat hearing a can opening only to find out it is beans.

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Clothing Spares

nothing in this section has a fee or anything i'm asking for in return.

paint brush clothing i'm happy to give to anyone who wants it.

you need to have the pet the clothing goes to, it needs to be the exact same species/color as the pb clothing.

numbers are not quantity. they are to let me know if items are on my main or a side account.

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Current Dyeworks

NST midnight is my 9 AM so i might be asleep when you neomail me.

trading any 1 item for any 1 of the following: gift box mystery capsule, hue brew potion

i do not lend original items.

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Discount Bin

NST midnight is my 9 AM so we might be in different time zones.

2 items for any 1 of the following: gift box mystery capsule, nc upcycle cookie

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Everything Else

NST midnight is my 9 AM so please give me time to respond.

i use OWLS as a value guide.

nothing is hard to part with and if it was i wouldn't list it. i have too many pixels and they are taking over my SDB. the mossy rocks are scared and the omelettes are getting squished.

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Neopoint Selling

NST midnight is my 9 AM so it might take me some time to get back to you.

i love buying merch but i get lazy on making trading post lots. if anything is listed here i have it to sell even if it is not currently on the trading post.

if you're looking to buy please check my trading lots or send me a neomail. only selling for neopoints or neopoints and baby pbs.

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Items prin69 wants

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Collecting, Seeking, Etc


Basic Styling Studio Supplies - multiple

Discovery of Wobbleshire Mystery Capsule

Pretty Pink Drink Mystery Capsule

Slushie Supreme Gift Box Mystery Capsule

Wondrous Winter Mystery Capsule

Raindorf Gift Box Mystery Capsules - multiple

Halloween Spyderweb Gift Box Mystery Capsule - multiple

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Most Wanted

for the Spatula and Jumper: i can trade full value in GBCs or Nostalgic Tokens. please neomail to ask which tokens i have.

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Possibly Looking For

i am only looking for these in item for item trades. i might be willing to trade some GBCs/cookies/Nostalgic Tokens along with items of mine. not offering full value in GBCs. please let me know what value you feel the item has.

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Within My Grasp!

i might have a trade for these. keeping here until trade is finalized.

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Dress to Impress
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