queenofthebats's items

Neomail queenofthebats queenofthebats's lookup

Items queenofthebats owns

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1 - HTPW

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7 - Foregrounds

This list is empty.

8.1 - Backgrounds

This list is empty.

Items queenofthebats wants

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0 - For Friends

Items that I will trade for to give to my friends!

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1 - High Priority

My want lists are kinda sparse bc I am new to trading NC, so if there's something you want in my lists lmk and I'll see if there's anything you have that I'm interested in! Thanks!

ALSO LOOKING FOR THE FOLLOWING VALENTINES NC GOODIE BAGS (UNOPENED): Colourful Hearts Valentine Goodie Bag, Floating in Love Valentine Goodie Bag, Flowery Valentine Goodie Bag, Love Letters Valentine Goodie Bag, Paper Hearts Goodie Bag

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