puma's items

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Items puma owns

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1. Intro

Hello there!

You can also trade with me via Discord DMs: Puma#6647 or the.puma

I can offer GBC, custom and caps for the items I want if nothing interests you here! On sections b-e numbers are quantities, not values.

Sections: a) HTPW/High Value; b) 3~4; c) 2~3; d) 1~2; e) 2:1

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a. HTPW or High Value

Items that I'm not using right now but are popular, high value and/or too pretty...Items marked 99 are HTPW, other numbers are my personal value, but I'm always willing to negotiate ^-^

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d. 1~2 Value

GBCs are welcome!

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e. 2:1 GBC // 1:1 Faerie Cookie/Lab Cookie/ Training Cookie

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Items puma wants

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1. Priorities

Stuff I have immediate plans for. Items marked with '99' are top priorities!

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2. Not Actively Seeking or Looking 2:1

(Not in a list)