These are likely only UFT toward larger wishes. You can feel free to offer on them, but if you're not offering something I find amazing, I'll probably have to pass. I do find a lot of surprising things amazing though, so there's no harm in trying. :)
Unfortunately this list is largely incomplete, I'm always finding things missing. If you don't see something here, show me your WL!! I almost always have something that's just not on my list. :) I don't have any GBC, but I do need boxes so I will very happily take some in trade.
Unwearables UFT:
100 means reserved for a trade
This list is empty.Stuff I super duper want ASAP. Show me your Wish Lists! I've got plenty of stuff not listed that I'm happy to trade. :) (It's not a hidden list, please stop asking for my hidden list, It doesn't exist. It's just stuff I missed putting on my list.)
Items marked 100 are pending trade.
Other stuff I want, just not quite as desperately. :)
Please note that some of these items I put on my WL before I had brain surgery in 2018 and can't quite remember why I wanted them, but I don't want to take them off the list because I had a reason I wanted them, I just can't remember it. I might pass on trades for these items, or take a while to figure out where they need to be sent. Just please be patient as I figure things out. ^^