akari's items

Neomail akari_sama akari_sama's lookup

Items akari owns

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I DO NOT HAVE ANY GBC TO TRADE. PLEASE STOP ASKING. 😭 As it says above my trade list, I will trade FOR them since I'm perpetually low on boxes, but I don't have any to trade. I don't buy NC anymore, so I will probably never have any to trade. That obviously means no custom, either. All my money is going to my real life pets, who have run up thousands of dollars in medical bills in the last year. 😭 I have hundreds of items uft, please pick one of those. Sorry, I promise I'm nice, but it's gotten overwhelming how many NM I get asking for caps when my list says (in bold!) that I don't have any.😔
That said, I'm always up for trades, but I'm not on Neo as often anymore, so the back and forth might take a while. I'm currently working on updating my list so it will eventually be up to date, but it'll be a while. This list is empty.

Up for trade

Unfortunately this list is largely incomplete, I'm always finding things missing. If you don't see something here, show me your WL!! I almost always have something that's just not on my list. :) I don't have any GBC, but I do need boxes so I will very happily take some in trade.

Unwearables UFT: https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/akari/197574/

100 means reserved for a trade

This list is empty.

Items akari wants

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Stuff I super duper want ASAP. Show me your Wish Lists! I've got plenty of stuff not listed that I'm happy to trade. :) (It's not a hidden list, please stop asking for my hidden list, It doesn't exist. It's just stuff I missed putting on my list.)
Items marked 100 are pending trade.

This list is empty.

Regular Wishes

Other stuff I want, just not quite as desperately. :)

Please note that some of these items I put on my WL before I had brain surgery in 2018 and can't quite remember why I wanted them, but I don't want to take them off the list because I had a reason I wanted them, I just can't remember it. I might pass on trades for these items, or take a while to figure out where they need to be sent. Just please be patient as I figure things out. ^^

This list is empty.