avonmom's items

Neomail avonmom avonmom's lookup

Items avonmom owns

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Hi! Welcome to my Trade List
I do my best to keep this list updated.
To determine values for my items and wishes I use information from Owls Guide, Recent Trade Reports, and DTI Ratios. I am always willing to discuss values as long as we respect each other during negotiation.

I am on several times daily and will respond ASAP. (feel free to mail me.
*Note - I do not have GBC to offer unless I have made a board offering them.) If you do not get a response, I did not get your mail. Mail me again.
Looking forward to having fun and making new friends on this adventure!

I love NC/NP openable items for my Gallery

Jellyneo wishes for Unwearables

Jump to wishlist!

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A) Pending Trades

Items waiting to finish trades.

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A) UFT ~ Bargain Bin Sale! 4:1 / 2:1

All items listed here are:

4 for 1 Black Friday GBC
2:1 GBC
2:1 Mystery Cap

Wish List items

This list is empty.

A1) UFT ~ Thrifty Shoppers! 3:1 / 2:1

All items listed here are:

3 for 1 Black Friday GBC
2:1 GBC
2:1 Mystery Cap

Wishes accepted!

This list is empty.

A2) UFT ~ Sale 2:1 BFGBC or 1GBC/Cap

All items listed here are:

2:1 Black Friday GBC
1:1 GBC
1:1 Mystery Cap
Wishes accepted!

This list is empty.

A3) UFT ~ Backgrounds

Retired Mystery Caps or Mystery Caps

This list is empty.

A4) UFT ~ Trinkets

Retired Mystery Caps or Mystery Caps

This list is empty.

Items avonmom wants

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0. NC/NP Unwearable Items for Gallery

I love NC/NP openable items for my Gallery

Capsules, Goodie Bags, Cupcakes, Neggs, Plushies, ect.

Find my Unwearable Wishes at Jellyneo

This list is empty.

A1.1) Current Mall Items Wanted

Sweet Beekadoodle Nectar Gift Box Mystery Capsule
Perfect Matcha All Oolong Retired Green Mystery Capsule
Retired Backgrounds Mystery Capsule
NC Upcycle Fortune Cookie

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A2) Dyework OGs needed

Offering TL or 1 BFGBC for items here

DW OGs that are either in the mall currently or fixing to be released for Dyeworks.

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Z.3) NC Cupcakes Needed for Gallery