Annasthesia's items

Neomail Annasthesia Annasthesia's lookup

Items Annasthesia owns

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0. All Info

Hey there!! Thank you for taking a look at my Trade List!

I'm a returning Neo-player who has been on the site since Year 1 and am happy to be back! I'm always open to trades, so feel free to NM me any time.

If I don't respond immediately, I sincerely apologize. My site theme can make my alerts a bit wonky.

Some items I may cake higher or lower than their Owls value. Please don't be offended if I don't accept an oth otherwise fair offer, especially if it's something in my closet. Is not you, it's me.

Happy Trading, everyone!!

☆♪. ゚.+:。∩(・ω・)∩゚.+:。★☆♪

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01. Closet

Items my pets are currently wearing. (Items not up for trade are currently hidden)

Not necessarily valuable, but may be HTPW / VHTPW.

Open to trades for High Priority Wishes ( >^▽^)> 。★☆♪

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02. Trade List

Items I'm currently trading.

Seeking wishes primarily, but I'm often open to customs as well. Some items may be HTPW/VHTPW, but it never hurts to reach out and ask! I'm online daily, so don't be shy! (^▽^)/.★☆♪

Not Currently seeking GBC's as I'm well stocked at the moment.

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Items Annasthesia wants

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03. * Casually Seeking *

Casually seeking these items, or just generally items I might have a plan for at some point.

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04. Low Priority

Mostly just things I like and think are neat but have no plans for.

This list is mostly so I don't forget these exist, lol.

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