buhee's items

Neomail luvy_duv luvy_duv's lookup

Items buhee owns

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0 - A quick note

Hi there, my lists are sorted by account rather than Item type.
the Lists that say UFT in them, are UFT.
The ones that say 'NC Items' are items i'm not actively trading (lists are set to public rather than trading) but will still consider offers if it's something i'm after.

Hopefully you can't see my private lists - they cover items I am actively using and buyables (which I assume no-one really wants to wade through...)

I tend to update my lists as I trade so they should always be accurate. For the avoidance of doubt, however, please assume this is accurate as at 15 March 2025.

I am happy to receive neomails. Please note, as a Brit, I am on GMT time, which is NST +8 (as in, Midnight NST is 8am GMT)

Nostalgia Styles Wishlist: https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/meraii/356813/

This list is empty.

0 - FotM UFT

Flavour of the month - AKA rr cap items, current DW, etc.

This list is empty.

01 - Buhee UFT

Box Count: 30
Please direct all neomails to luvy_duv.

This list is empty.

01 - luvy_duv UFT

Box count: 80
BFGBC Count: 0
Please direct all neomails to luvy_duv.

This list is empty.

2 - luvy_duv NC items

If there's something you really want feel free to make an offer, just bear in mind the answer might be a no; this list is set to public rather than trading.

This list is empty.

Items buhee wants

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