punkgothprincez's items

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Items punkgothprincez owns

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00.0 INTRO

I am almost ALWAYS seeking GBCs, SSS, and DSSS! Otherwise each section will have list of restrictions c: I prefer item trades to customs.

I do work a pretty strenuous job that is mentally taxing so I can sometimes take 48 hours to respond but I promise I will respond!


I have:
Grey Aisha
Mara Scorchio x2
Darigan Draik
Sponge Aisha x2
Cyan Faerie Kougra/Aisha/Shoyru x2
Purple Faerie Shoyru
Cocoa Festive Zafara
Tinsel Christmas Lupe x2

Halloween Shoyru/Kougra
Ghost Kacheek
Valentine Plushie Cybunny/Draik/Aisha/Kacheek
Adoring Valentine Draik/Kacheek/Lupe
Nostalgic Valentine Aisha

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Nicer items (not HTPW, just nicer) and will always consider offers! Would love to trade for any of my wishes (if you want to combine smaller wishes too this is TOTALLY welcomed and loved), but always open to offers of wishes + GBCs.

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02. Dyeworks

Dyeworks Spares. I would love anything on my Wishlist but also always will consider dyepots/GBCs for these! I don't use them, so will always gladly accept offers to get them out of my closet.

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03. MMEs UFT

MME Spares. I would love anything on my Wishlist but also always will consider dyepots/GBCs for these! I don't use them, so will always gladly accept offers to get them out of my closet.

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04. Backgrounds

I would love anything on my Wishlist but also always will consider dyepots/GBCs for these! I don't use them, so will always gladly accept offers to get them out of my closet.

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05. 2:1 SALE

Only seeking the current Caps, dyepots, or GBCs for these! 2:1 GBC, 3:1 BFGBC

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06. Everything Else UFT

All things on this UFT section feel free to neomail offers for. I would love anything on my Wishlist but also always will consider dyepots/GBCs for these! I don't use them, so will always gladly accept offers to get them out of my closet.

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Items punkgothprincez wants

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02. Everything Else That Would Be Nice to Have

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999. NP Items

Mainly a reminder of things I want to buy and have been waiting to hunt down. Please NM me if you're selling!

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