HicBooGuy's items

Neomail Hic_boo_guy Hic_boo_guy's lookup

Items HicBooGuy owns

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(Introduction) Hi, Welcome to My Tradelist!

I try my best to update what I have and what I’m looking for as frequently as possible. I'm not online as frequently right now but I do log on multiple times a day despite that, mostly to do dailies and Food Club. As well as check on the status on any trades I'm in the middle of, so send me a NM if you'd be interested in trading and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

I'd be willing to trade most of the things in my TL for either wishes, GBCs, or an NC Mall custom if there's something in the mall I have my eyes on. Basically anything that's worth more than two GBCs, a LE bonus item from a cap, and/or a Slorg are the only things that would probably require a WL item in exchange. Feel free to send me an offer, the worst I can say is "no thank you".

Also, I collect floating faerie doll trinkets, they're not for trade unless I have duplicates.

Anyways, happy trading!

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2. Most of the Stuff

Here's where all the 1-2 cap items go. Feel free to let me know if you want any of this stuff and we can work out a trade. I'm open to just about any offer on these.

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3. Weird Odds and Ends

To put it plainly, this is all the stuff that I have no idea what I'm gonna do with. If you want anything here please let me know, I'm 99.9% certain I'll never use any of this stuff. I’ll gladly do a 2:1 trade for a GBC or 4:1 trade for a BFGBC for any of these. I'll also gladly trade one of these for a dyepot if I'm seeking those at the moment.

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Items HicBooGuy wants

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1. Ultimate Luxury Items