I’m not on as much right now. Feel free to send offers, but also feel free to send offers to others on the same items, as I may not be able to reply
I try to reply to everyone, but feel free to send a follow up if I don’t reply within 48 hours, and you’re still looking. I usually follow owls values, but I’m not stuck on them. I am kind of going through it personally, so please be patient with me.
I am more than willing to trade all of these but I will be picky. Item to Item trades please!
Would love to swap some dyeworks caps items with you :)
Not particularly attached to them, but these items have a higher value! I generally follow owls values. Prefer wishes, Might accept custom/new mystery caps depending on the item, no GBCs/BFGBC please!
Feel free to make any offers! I value these all at 1-2 and will take Wishes, Caps, Cookies or Customs for them. Willing to discuss value if you think my value is off!
Please take these items from me, I don't want them. I will accept pretty much any offer.
Would love to swap dyeworks caps items from my dyeworks UFT list (or other lists), but open to any offers! Some of these items I really want and others I will just trade other dyeworks items for, but I will always be nice!
Will Trade literally anything for these!
I will trade anything for these, wishes, GBCs, custom, DSSS/SSS, you name it!
Casually want these items, but they are mostly filler wishes, but I'm always up for offers! I prefer item to item trades on these, and wont offer custom. No HTPW items please, unless it is part of a bigger trade.
21 means I hope to find it in a 2:1 sale
I want these more than casually, but not in a hurry. I will trade you wishes, GBCs, and sometimes custom for these.