lalalapanicc's items

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Items lalalapanicc owns

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{ 01. Up For Trade }

Eventually I would like to organize this, but alas I am lazy. D:
I'm down for 2:1 for BF GBCs for some of these items, so don't be scared to ask! I just cannot be bothered to organize it that way, lol.

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Hello, my name is Ren.
I tend to follow /~Owls for trading values.
Feel free to dop me a neomail if you are interested in a trade. I'll gt back to you as quickly as I can!
Numbers indicate quantity!
Currently needing: GBCs & Priority Wishes

Last Updated: 02/13/2024

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Items lalalapanicc wants

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{ 03. Lower Priority Wishes }

Items I find cute, but don't necessarily need right now.
You can still offer, but please don't be offended if I decline.

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{ 04. Np Wishes }

This is a reminder to myself of things I need to buy.

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Dress to Impress
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