I am currently on a trade hiatus of sorts while sorting through a family emergency, apologies! I am still updating lists but I am not currently making any trades unless I reach out first/offer publically.
If you neomail with the "Wanna Trade? ItemA for ItemB" format, I will ignore your message, since this is a common bot/fraud/hacked account message format (& I'm tired of getting ghosted from when I did attempt to reply to these, lol). Please use literally any other combination of words for the subject/message, or throw in an emoji or something so I know you're human!
ALL UFT LISTS - If it's visible (and not on accident/a closet list), it's up for trade - no standard lists are HTPW! I will always try to reply - if I miss a message, please do not hesitate to send another one after a day if you are still interested.
I'm a bit burnt out on heavy trades right now, so my 2:1/4:1 sale list is on pause and the list has been privated. I'll make it public again in the future!
I do not mind if you want to haggle on a value for something, I know Owls isn't always up-to-date!
I (try to) update my lists as I trade & keep quantities accurate - everything should be correct below :)
I also have a few GBCs/Caps/(D)SSS available, listed here.
Popular things, New/Recent mall items, Higher-Valued according to Owls, or other stuff I just think is neat :) Nothing listed is HTPW.
Current Dyeworks: Willing to trade for dyepots!
If you disagree on the owls value, by all means, please ask or offer on it! It's up for trade, and I don't mind a haggle!
I bought uhhhh a ton of the valentine grams to roll for the valentine eyes LOL. I have one left that has the Chocolate Warf LE (NOT the UC-friendly foreground version).
Number = Qty of grams remaining
Notes to self - grams per acct:
YDD - 3 Grams [SDB]
DWN - 4 Grams [SDB]
LAWKI - 3 Grams [SDB]
Paint-specific items of various values. All Baby/MQ/Mutant items are in this list. Numbers SHOULD be accurate.
All my other random items that aren't in a special list or sale list. Trading at Owls values, but might stray from them if the ratios look like the item is worth more or less than Owls. Open to all offers (items, caps, gbcs, you name it - for permanent & current DW items (not retired ones!), I'll gladly trade for a dyepot for each item!)
If my closet is visible: oops! o//o
I don't trade publicly from my permanent closet & will only offer items from it at my own discretion, usually for higher value/HTF items. I have a hidden closet list that MIGHT be visible occasionally; please read the note before asking for items on that list.
IF THIS IS VISIBLE: I am offering items from this list to a specific person/group/neoboard for a specific list of items. This list is not open to trades unless specifically mentioned & will be hidden if I am not actively trading with a specific person/group.
These are my HTPW items that I simply do not have plans for/a specific pet in mind. I don't want to offer them (I like to hoard these silly images lol), but I'm not exactly using them right now either.
This list is PENDING trade; it is public so that people I am trading with can see the item is being held for them until the trade is completed.
Helpppppp this animal is NAKED!!!!!
Items that I have active plans for, or have a specific pet in mind for. (I do track NC spoilers, I know which of these (if any) are returning to the store in the near future)
Things that caught my eye at one point or another for something, but I don't have plans for them so I probably won't seek them out on my end. Usually always open to casual trades, but I might decline a fair offer if I have a lot of higher-priority items ahead of these! They are all welcome as filler in larger trades though :)
This list is set to public, not trading, but I would indeed like to own these eventually!
II either have no current plans for these items, or they're very pricey (or returning for sale according to mall leaks?).... So I'm not actively searching for them on my own end. But if it's meant to be, someone who has one will want something I have and offer it!
Slorg/Glyme/Slime gallery items :) I am indeed trading for these!
There are a few non-NC items in this list. Please ignore those, lol, those are just for personal reference
Items that I have a pending trade for. This is set to public, not trading!