elizabee13's items

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Items elizabee13 owns

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These are NC items I have in SDB that I don't want or I'm not using. Feel free to Neomail me, I'm happy to look at UFT lists or talk about customs. The worst thing I'll say is no, but I'll do it kindly. :)

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2. NC UFT/Closet

These are NC items I have in my closet that I'm open to trading. Feel free to Neomail me, I'm happy to look at UFT lists or talk about customs. The worst thing I'll say is no, but I'll do it kindly. :)

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4. NP UFT/Closet

These are NP items I have in my closet that I'm open to trading. Feel free to Neomail me, I'm happy to look at UFT lists or talk about a TP listing. The worst thing I'll say is no, but I'll do it kindly. :)

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5. VHTPW/Closet Items

These are all items that I currently have in my closet and absolutely love. I'll be honest, it's highly unlikely that I'll trade them, but I'm making this list public in case something I have is on someone's dream list and it's an item that I'd be willing to part with for a very fair trade.

Feel free to Neomail me, I'm happy to talk about a request. The worst thing I'll say is no, but I'll do it kindly. :)

PS because my husband made fun of me: no, these aren't all my prized possessions but it is everything in my closet that I bought to keep okay?? 😂

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Items elizabee13 wants

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3. Backgrounds Wishlist

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4. Foregrounds Wishlist

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5. Clothing/Handheld Wishlist

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Dress to Impress
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