soragin's items

Neomail soragin soragin's lookup

Items soragin owns

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0. Hi

Feel free to nm!
Mostly seeking priority wishes, can offer custom DSSS/SSS etc.
Closet is private, they will only be UFT when it is viewable and when I state so on a board or in a nm.
333 = Item is on hold.

Jump to Wishlist

Value guides: Valisar ; Itemdb owl

Leaks: Dyeworks ; Spoilerss

Useful Links: Species change calculator

This list is empty.

1. Highlight

UFT for priority wishes; Items trade preferred;
99 = more attached / personal value higher than owl

This list is empty.

2. Up for Trade

Regular trade list

This list is empty.

3.0 Sales

1 dyepot/FQC each or 2:1 gbc, 3:1 bfgbc

This list is empty.

Items soragin wants

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