chuuiro's items

Neomail amy1992192 amy1992192's lookup

Items chuuiro owns

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0) Welcome

Always seeking archive/ upcycle cookies, BF/GBCs, dyepots, RR bday/ DW/ MME caps

Feel free to mail me to work something out! I’m chill, no numbers or rules to follow. Open to bulk and casual trades. Numbers are purely for organizing purposes.

I look at ratios and recent trade data, as page values may be outdated!

Please note that I'm NST +15 so I will take a while to respond! I never ghost so if you don't get a neomail reply it means I didn't get your mail, please do send again (: I don't mind if you include me in your mass mailing~

I have a rather large hidden closet as I don't believe in displaying items I won't trade. Please feel free to mail me if you have my wishes c:

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1) 3:1 BFGBC/ 2:1 GBC/ 1:1 dyepot

2:1 for GBC/ void bday caps/ retired DW, mme, bg caps/ upcycle cookie/ archive cookie
3:1 for BFGBC (:
1:1 for dyepots/ FQC!

11 - obv
22 - ced
33 - viv
44 - cry

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2) 5:1 BFGBC/ 3:1 GBC/ 2:1 dyepot

No buyables here. 2:1 dyepot, 3:1 for GBC/archive cookie, 5:1 for BFGBC!

1 item per person for free only if I have a gifting board up
1000+ items gifted to date!
Sometimes people ask why I gift/ why I spend so many boxes gifting. It's partly to declutter + not everyone can spend on NC and maybe others would like these items. But I can't gift everything otherwise I wouldn't have higher-value items to trade for more boxes or my wishes ;-;

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5) 1 GBC (2:1 BFGBC)

1 GBC/ upcycle/ archive cookie/ 3:2 dyepot (3 dyepots for 2 items) / RR DW, MME, WC, BG cap for anything here! Accepting 2:1 BFGBC too c:

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9.1) 3 BFGBCs/ 4 caps section

9.2) The Rest

Not sure how to value these! I'm open to offers (:

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Buyables I'll upcycle. Feel free to ask if you want something here (:

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On Hold

Items on hold for people!

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Items chuuiro wants

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1) Top Priority/ White whale

Nothing for now!!

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2) Casual - mid priority

I can add filler in custom/ bfgbcs, just ask!

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3) Casual - low priority

Just looking for cute/interesting items I like! No rush in getting them~ Will trade from the highlights list and can offer bfgbcs

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4) Spares I would like

I just like these items. I already own them but I don't mind having spares. Would also offer highlights for these! But unlikely to offer the "for HTF wishes" section

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5) HTF

If you're willing to work out a deal please lemme know! c:

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For galleries

Items I need for galleries ^^

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