halloaloe's items

Neomail birdschool birdschool's lookup

Items halloaloe owns

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NC Trading

Hi there! Thank you for checking out my tradelist :)

My UN is birdschool. Please Neomail me through there or contact me on Discord @ halloaloe.

I am always happy to offer any GBCs / customs for anything on my wishlists but some stuff on my trade lists will be hard to part with unless for a higher priority wishlist item, but feel free to ask about anything that is UFT. I am happy to look at your offering trade lists and I am always looking for cute / pretty items I don't already have!

This list is empty.

NC UFT - Backgrounds

This list is empty.

NC UFT - Clothes

This list is empty.

NC UFT - Foregrounds/Filters/Frames/Garlands

This list is empty.

NC UFT - Handhelds/Trinkets

This list is empty.

NC UFT - Wigs/Hats

This list is empty.

Items halloaloe wants

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