I'm a returning player and I missed out on most NC stuff, so I can really only offer GBCs or whatever is currently buyable :') These are the nicer items I have. 13 = on side
Stuff I'm not particularly attached to but also not necessarily looking to part with. Probably will part with for anything in a regular UFT but definitely will 2:1 or maybe even 3:1 for one of my high priorities!! :D
I really really like these a lot but can be persuaded to trade for item(s) on my Higher Priority/Cute (High Priority) lists :D
The more 9s the harder it is to part with!!
I'll give most of these away for free if you ask tbh :'D
Not for trade, I'm just so happy I (finally) own these :DDD
NC Items I own to keep track. #13 = on a side
My highest priority items!!! I need them SOOOO MUCH AAAAAAA!!!
Higher priority than my regular wishlists (like the Clothes one), but not so high that they can go in my Cute Wishlist (HIGH PRIORITY)
Items I like but are either not a priority right now or I'm looking for in a 2:1/3:1 trade :)