miss__lupey_'s items

Neomail miss__lupey_ miss__lupey_'s lookup

Items miss__lupey_ owns

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0. Hello and Welcome!

I will do my best to remember to update this as I make trades! Sometimes the boards go so fast that I forget to take stuff off, sorry! Anything with 99 is pending a trade! If you see an item and don't agree with the OWLs value, please don't hesitate to reach out and offer anyways! I know some of the ratios are off for the values, but I just sort them based on the current posted values.
Current non wearable items I also have for trade:

Faerie Quest Fortune Cookie -28
Lab Ray Fortune Cookie -5
GBC - 5
Mutant Lupe Token

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1. Current Dyeworks/General Dyeworks!

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Buyables and 1-2 SG items

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OWLS Value 1-2

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Unknown OWLS price

I will try to keep this updated as OWLS updates!!

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Items miss__lupey_ wants

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1. Nonwearables I want

I'm not going to always be trading for these items for my higher value items, so please don't be offended if I turn it down! Bold is most wanted.
Upcycle Cookies
Anniversary Retired Dyeworks Mystery Capsule 2024
22nd Birthday Brunch Mystery Capsule

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for side account 2

Lesser loved pets species

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NP Things

just to help me keep track!

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