molarz's items

Neomail molarz molarz's lookup

Items molarz owns

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1. ~*Info

Last updated 1/6/2025

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1. Highlights UFT

Updated 1/6/2025! I removed any HTPW items. I am only "picky" about these in the way I want them to go towards my wishes and not casual trades, and I am never looking for GBC/Custom for these.

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2.1 Lowlights UFT

My "not TOTAL junk" section of my TL! Newer items, htf old items, extra dyeworks, etc. I am rarely seeking GBCs/Custom.

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2.3 UFT- Everything Else (molarz)

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Pending Trades (Trading)

Waiting for a response or to complete a trade including these items~

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Items molarz wants

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1.1 Wishes for Molarz

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1.2 Side Account Wishes: notadad

1.3 Side Account Wishes: plushp0p

1.4 Side Account Wishes: chiap0p

items needed to complete my pets on my side chiap0p ^___^

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1.5 Side Account Wishes: fishp0p

items needed to complete my pets on my side fishp0p ^___^

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2.1 Gallery Wishlist: EyeCandy

When I have items in this list, they are a priority!!

Check out my eyeballs:

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2.2 Gallery Wishlist: Cotton Candy Floss

When I have items in this list, they are a priority!!

This list is empty.

Pending Trades (Wishes)

Waiting for a response or to complete a trade including these items~

This list is empty.