queeniephox's items

Neomail ashbash_super_smash ashbash_super_smash's lookup

Items queeniephox owns

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! Hello

Welcome to my trade list!

HTP items towards the bottom, only trading these items for DISO.

Willing to trade DSSS for DISO depending on the trade.

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* Accessories

NC accessories up for trade.

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* Backgrounds

NC Backgrounds up for trade

This list is empty.

* Clothes

NC clothes up for trades

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* Lower/Foreground/Background Items

NC Foreground/Lower Foreground/Background items UFT

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* Wigs

NC Wigs up for Trade

This list is empty.

*** HTP with Tradeables

Hard to part with items; I am willing to trade, but holding out for DISO/ISO or something really special.

*Dyeworks White: Radiant Glow - only trading for over offers of multiple DISO, it's my fave.

Also willing to trade Styling Studios and Deluxe Styling Studios for DISO.

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Items queeniephox wants

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Stuff I would like to have but not actively searching for.

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C. Just stuff I like

Very low priority. Just stuff I like but not really looking for ATM.

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Dress to Impress
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